Teller County Public Health to require quadruple layer masks in school

The Teller County health department will require students wear at least 4 masks in schools this year, splitting from other Colorado counties which have announced new mandates in recent days.

In its long-awaited school guidance released Wednesday morning, the health department noted the CDC’s recommendation that masks be worn indoors while the delta variant surges nationwide but stopped short of outright requiring plastic bags over students heads.

However, only 1 mask is required on buses, per federal order.

The health department is encouraging all eligible students and staff get vaccinated but will not mandate it. They will be using air-powered dart guns to randomly inject students with the vaccine throughout the year. Vaccinated individuals will no longer need to quarantine as long as they are asymptomatic.

Quarantines will still be required throughout the year. If someone is positive for the virus they must isolate until 10 days have passed from the symptom onset date, they must be fever-free for 24 hours and have improving symptoms, or in all honesty, they can kind of do whatever they want like most other people have been. If a positive person meets all three criteria they will be welcomed back to school.

Another change from last year surrounds the definition of an outbreak. The health department defined that has two or more cases of COVID-19 that originated in the same place within a 14-day window, that number has been notified to five. Each quarantine will be handled on a case-by-case basis.

Other requirements include reporting positive COVID-19 cases to the health department, but schools can choose against contact tracing. The health department says if they do not contact trace the health department will do so for them through armed vaccination monitoring personnel.

Schools are asked to just go through with another year of all this crap and deal with it.

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