Charis Adds 172 Warning Sirens To Alert Followers Of The Second Coming Of Christ

If you live in Woodland Park, Green Mountain Falls, or Divide you may have noticed something new. Several large cross-shaped towers adorned at the top by nearly a dozen hidden horns. These are not new tornado warning systems – they have a more spiritual purpose.

Over the last month, Charis Bible College & The Sanctuary partnered with Federal Signal Corp. to install 172 large emergency alert grade siren towers across Teller County. These will be used to alert churchgoers of the Second Coming Of Christ, announced the church on Monday. These are hidden within a large metal shell shaped like a large cross. After the full system is installed you’ll see large white crosses standing 290′ in the air across the county.

One of the disguised siren towers. You can see the siren sound ports cut from the shell.

They will be conducting weekly tests of the system to ensure its operation, however, to prevent complaints they have made a regular schedule so residents can be accommodated. The sirens will sound off at 7:00 AM every Tuesday morning for 3 minutes. It will also activate every Sunday Morning at 6:00 AM to give all residents an alert to wake up and get ready for church.

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