Tiny Home Hunting Season To Start September 24th

After Teller County allowed many large swaths of land to be used for Tiny Homes, many long-time residents spoke up. Many did not want the Tiny Homes roaming the lands near their own homes. Others thought it may cause an increase in accidents in our small towns.

So the Teller County Hunting & Wildlife Department has officially announced a designated hunting season for the Tiny Homes. Applicants must show proof of either handheld demolition tool(s) or mechanized equipment such as bulldozers. If the applicant does not own such tools, they can rent an armor-plated Komatsu D355A from the department for the duration of the hunting season for $240.

The season lasts from September 24th to September 31st.

During this time the department warns local residents to watch out for the increased amount of construction equipment and machines driving through our town. Department Head Harvin Meemeyer defends the choice to rent armored bulldozers for such low prices. In a recent interview, he stated “Everyone has a right as an American to drive an armored bulldozer around town for whatever reason they want.”.

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