Hidden Dangers: Park Rangers reminding hikers to not go off trails or take shortcuts

One of the most dangerous things for our trails is actually very common, yet avoidable. Colorado park rangers are reminding hikers to not go off the designated trails or take shortcuts to prevent injury or death.

Teller Tribune walked around Red Rock Canyon Open Space with park ranger Elmer Duddles to take a look at the blood and gore left from 4 hikers wandering off the path by only a few hundred feet.

“We actually have some of the most dangerous animals in the nation, possibly the world. They lie off the beaten path waiting for their prey to unsuspectingly walk by” said Duddles.

Some parts of Red Rock Canyon are closed off to hikers as park rangers try to hunt and capture the creatures. When people don’t stay on the trails, it can not only be lethal to them but poses a danger to the body recovery teams as well that has to retrieve the body.

Park rangers remind hikers to always walk on durable surfaces, and make lots of sounds when alone to ward off the more curious creatures that venture closer to the paved trails.

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