In an unusual turn of events, townsfolk from Cripple Creek and Victor have been rearing their heads skyward recently, like an overambitious team of turkey vulturers. They reported spotting a series of strange lights overhead. Fleeting and dazzling like a prom queen’s tiara, it instilled a sense of mysticism overContinue Reading

The second accident this week blocks Highway 24 westbound. Maybe take it slow on the curves people? For the second time this week, an accident has blocked Highway 24 westbound from Colorado Springs to Woodland Park. And for the second time, it seems that someone didn’t pay enough attention inContinue Reading

Colorado Springs Homeless Being Relocated To Woodland Park For “Spiritual Shelter” As part of an ongoing mission by a local religious outreach, dozens of homeless have been relocated to Woodland Park as part of the ‘Test Phase” of the relocation program. The program focuses on relocating those that are currentlyContinue Reading

Colorado Springs mayor reacts U.S. Space Command moving to Alabama “We have maintained throughout the process that the permanent basing decision for U.S. Space Command was not made on merit. The admission by former President Trump that he ‘single-handedly’ directed the move to Huntsville, Alabama, supports our position. Our localContinue Reading

Public Health officials confirm: Trees contracted plague in Teller County After a tree tested positive for pneumonic plague following a probable exposure near Divide recently, Teller County Public Health is urging residents to take precautions when near forests, trees, and plants. Plague in trees is common in Colorado, New Mexico,Continue Reading

Notice: This Is Not Satire! Do Not Approach This Individual, Call 911! Teller County Sheriff’s Office searching for escaped inmate Friday morning Teller County Sheriff’s Office is currently searching for Chancey Ray Colwell, an escaped inmate. Colwell was being held at the Teller County Jail for allegedly firing shots atContinue Reading