Colorado Adds 24 Foot Wide “Swift Trucks Only” Lanes

The Mile High State seems the have some mile high ideas about preventing traffic accidents. Govenor Polis introduced the “Swift Safety Measure” last week to provide a dedicated 24 foot wide lane for Swift Drivers. These lanes are lines with recycled rubber tires akin to a go kart track, as well as easy to read signage with small words.

This measure comes after the 297 car pileup caused by a Swift driver trying to do a U-Turn along interstate 25 last week. In previous months, Swift trucks have flipped trailers, ran over highway dividers, and attempted to jump the Royal Gorge. Studies by the Colorado Department of Trucking indicated that over 95% of accidents involved Swift drivers.

A tailer after another Swift driver attempted to jump this trailer.

In additon to wide lanes and friendly signage, a CDOT driver will be stationed every half mile to assist drivers. They can asist drivers with driving within the lines & providing emotional support. Planning for all events, the measure also created a dedicated “Swift Recovery Team” to remove wrecked trailers and trucks from the interstate.


  1. This is the best thing I have read in a while! 🤣😂🤣 as a trucker living in Colorado I appreciate this so much. Thanks for the laugh!!

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